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About African Cultural Association

African Cultural Association African Cultural Association The African Cultural Association is a registered charity committed to helping people of African origin as well as the wider community across London. he African Cultural Association was founded in 1984 and registered as a charity with the Charity Commission in June 1995 to provide general advice and information in the areas of social welfare and education to people experiencing hardship in the London region. The Association promotes awareness of the different cultures in multicultural Britain through encouraging service users to come together to share experiences and provide a support network for themselves within the community. We provide guidance, training and support to the vulnerable, unskilled, unemployed and lone parents. We organise women’s groups and youth-centred activities on a regular basis and prominent black festivals and events (e.g. Black History Month). The African Cultural Association is also committed to working with elderly people over the age of 65.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager