About Peaceful Families Project
Peaceful Families Project, PFP Peaceful Families Project The Peaceful Families Project (PFP) is an initiative of United Muslim Relief devoted to ending domestic violence in Muslim families by facilitating awareness workshops for Muslim leaders and communities, providing cultural sensitivity trainings and technical assistance for professionals, conducting research, and developing resources. PFP was founded by Sharifa Alkhateeb (1946-2000) in the year 2000. As a pioneer of Muslim anti-domestic violence advocacy, Sharifa worked tirelessly on behalf of Muslim victims and collaborated with Muslim leaders, communities, and activists across the U.S. as she provided workshops to raise awareness levels.
In an effort to affect change in all areas impacting victims and survivors of domestic violence, our programming includes prevention and intervention in its approach to community education and development, training and technical assistance, and research. We encourage a holistic approach to addressing domestic violence among Muslim families and communities through collaboration with imams, community leaders, community members, social service professionals, activists, educators, legal providers, and youth leaders.
To learn more about PFP’s perspective on maintaining peaceful families, please view the introduction to our book: Change From Within: Diverse Perspectives on Domestic Violence in Muslim Communities.
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