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About Island Club

Island Club Island Club The social tempo of the Club has been kept up, the games in the club are alive of full activities in Billiards, Draughts, 45, Cards, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Squash etc. I hope that they would not allow that enthusiasm to fizzle out as the Guest Nights have been revived. In this 21st century, I am happy today that our hope lies heavily with new virile younger members who are now emerging in the Club. The enthusiasm with which the Social Sub-Committee is moving to sponsor the Friday jump nights and the monthly conviviality of Elders Forum must standout for special commendation, when you place this side by side with the Elders Forum attendances and sponsorship of same Forum, we have cause to be grateful thatthere is no weak link in the chain. The response to the appeal for funds for the development of the Club and the 70th Platinum Jubilee Anniversary has been very encouraging. The members of the 70th Anniversary Committee and the various Sub-Committees must come in for their share of the praises. We cannot mention every name but all deserve the special thanks of the Club. Finally, I wish to bring to the notice of Nigerians the proposed seven storey building for car park; we embark on this building in order to ease the traffic congestion in our present Car Park at Onikan Axis. I consider myself a lucky man in life with great fortune at the 50th Anniversary where I was the Social Secretary, which earned me the name Golden Social Secretary. At the 60th Anniversary, I was the Vice-Chairman which earned me Diamond Vice Chairman and today, 70th Anniversary, I am the Platinum Jubilee Chairman by the grace of almighty God. I therefore shout halleluyah and I say in Latin "Gloria in excelsis Deo!!" Our Club is a cosmopolitan organization and had the rare privilege to welcome the Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR. Alhaji Shehu Shagari, GCFR Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR Alhaji Abubakar Atiku, GCON and Arc Namadi Sambo, to the Island Club. We avoid politics of any shape or form and we hope that having cleared the delusion of whatever people might have heard of the Club in the past, we can look forward to a greater future in playing our parts to the success of our great nation. I do feel deeply happy and proud of my membership of the Island Club which has a unique imagery for excellence and nobility. We have come a long way together to attain this enviable height and we shall rest assured in the Lord's abundant blessing in this 70th year of the Club's existence, I want to commend to you the second rule " Let brotherly love continue," Happy Anniversary, and may God be with us all.
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