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About Enugu Association USA

Enugu Association, USA Enugu Association USA How it all Started - Enugu Association, USA. In summer of 1998, a handful of Enugu persons resident in the different regions of USA, gathered in College Park, Maryland to discuss ways and means of forming an enduring Umbrella Association of Enugu people in the contiguous United States of America. At the time, none of the pioneers of this movement envisioned that within a mere span of nine years, the eventual Enugu Association, USA, Inc., and its subsidiary – EnuguUSA Medical Mission, Inc., would quickly so blossom into a stable, reputable and influential Ibo, Diaspora, Apex State Association and a Health and Wellness delivery organ, respectively. Indeed, the EnuguUSA, Inc. as many Nigerian Diaspora Associations, experienced in its early years, the usual mistakes and malformations of a well-intentioned group of professionals whose major common denominators were common language, ancestry and the strong urge to give back to the (Waawa) Community from where they originated. MEDICAL MISSION Our medical mission gets huge supports from the state gov., state ministry of health & volunteer support from local Medical schools of medicine, Nursing and allied health. History. | Recent mission Suffice it to say that many of the champions of the pioneering efforts of the EnuguUSA Inc.’s foundation ideals were mostly motivated by the growing ultraistic concerns for lack of benign and development-oriented politics as well as the self-serving urge to provide enabling political, economic and social environments for Enugu people and their friends in the Diaspora to possibly give or attract amenities and services to their People and Communities, back home. Our Medical Mission gets huge supports from the State government, State Ministry of Health & volunteer support from local Medical Schools of medicine, Nursing and Allied Health. To learn more about our Medical Mission, click
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