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About Cape Verdean Association In New Bedford

Cape Verdean Association In New Bedford, Associacao Cabo Verdeana em New Bedford Cape Verdean Association In New Bedford Mission The mission of the Cape Verdean Association in New Bedford, Inc. is to preserve and promote Cape Verdean culture. As the vanguard of Cape Verdean heritage in the United States, we aspire to reach, build and strengthen partnerships throughout the diaspora. The CVA~NB will foster continued appreciation for our history, deliver culturally competent programs and services that enriches the communities, making a difference in the lives of the Capeverdean people here and abroad. Vision CVA~NB’s project is to develop a Cape Verdean Cultural Center. The Cape Verdean Cultural Center (CVCC) when fully operational will be the community's cultural and resource center. Programs will include gathering, preservation, and dissemination of historical data about the rich heritage and contribution of the Cape Verdean people. Encourage community building by promoting multicultural educational programs, including but not limited to seminars in culture and history, literature, theater, film, music, dancing, photography, paintings, arts and crafts; youth programs and exchange students. We also welcome a future satellite office of the Capeverdean Consulate in Boston. We believe that all programs and activities of the Cape Verdean Association in New Bedford will enrich and raise awareness while promoting and stimulating cultural, educational, social, and economic development.
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