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About Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora

Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora WELCOME TO THE CENTER FOR NEW RACIAL STUDIES A University of California Multi-Campus Research Program INTRODUCTION In 2009 a group of University of California faculty located at all ten campuses received a significant grant from the UC Office of the President to launch the University of California Center for New Racial Studies (UCCNRS), a Multi-Campus Research Program. The UCCNRS made its debut in July 2010 and has been offered UC system-wide support for five subsequent academic years (until June 2015). Our Steering Committee includes scholars in the social sciences and humanities, ethnic studies, area studies, public policy, and law. The mission of the Center is to support innovation in UC-based race/ethnicity research and teaching and to encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative work focused on advancing social/racial justice in an era of changing racial dynamics and persistent racial/ethnic conflict and inequality. While our primary commitment is to establish a research network of UC scholars, we expect to forge links with other academic networks and institutions, as well as non-academic groups, that are working on issues of race and racism. During a year of planning (2009-2010) the UCCNRS developed its research agenda, established contacts at each of the UC campuses, and conducted our first round of grant-making, which focused on the topic "The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants." During the 2010-2011 academic year, as the first faculty and graduate student grantees carried out their research, the UCCNRS made its second round of grants for research to be done in the 2011-2012 academic year on the theme of Race/Gender/Class "Intersectionality." (More on these research areas below.).
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