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About Partnership League for Africa's Development

Partnership League for Africa's Development, PLAD Partnership League for Africa's Development Partnership League for Africa’s Development - PLAD is a grassroots organization of Africans (anyone born in Africa or descendent of an African) and friends of Africa worldwide. We believe that human rights issues can be best addressed through improving social development: good governance, rule of law and democracy. Education, health and agriculture is the cornerstone of our strategy to tackle the human rights issues for peace, democracy and inclusive growth to prevail. We will achieve these objectives by reaching out to the African Diaspora, friends of Africa worldwide, and through partnership with organizations, associations or entities that are working in these areas. PLAD will not duplicate the services provided by other existing organizations. It will seek to maximize the coordination and synergy among the various organizations to help boost their achievements and successes. In this context, we are appealing to the African Diaspora and friends of Africa to come together and better coordinate our efforts for a faster, stronger and sustainable economic and other social development in Africa.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager