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About Kenya Diaspora Community in the Netherlands

Kenya Diaspora Community in the Netherlands, KDCN, Kenya Diaspora Kenya Diaspora Community in the Netherlands The Kenya Diaspora Community in the Netherlands (KDCN) is a Non- Profit, umbrella association of all Kenyans and friends of Kenya who are residing (temporally or permanent) in the Netherlands. The community organisation is dedicated to pursue the interests of Kenyans in the Netherlands through close co-operation among Kenyans (and their organisations), and with other diaspora organisations, national and international organizations and the people of the Netherlands. KDCN is dully registered at the Dutch Chamber of commerce (KvK) as a Foundation “Stichting”. The organisation emerged out of a consultative process involving a cross section of Kenyans living in the Netherlands. It will provide an umbrella to all Kenyans organisations in the Netherlands irrespective of type, activity focus and composition in order to tap into the potentials of the Kenyan diversity and collective diaspora engagement with state and non-state actor alike. The organisation is guided by democratic principles which are outlined in its constitution and embedded in its organisational structure and modus operandi.
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