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About Global Poverty Project

Global Poverty Project Global Poverty Project Global Poverty Project is an international education and advocacy organization working towards the end of extreme poverty by 2030. Our vision: "A world without extreme poverty by 2030." Our Mission: "Growing the number and effectiveness of Global Citizens to achieve the public, business and political commitment and action to end extreme poverty." Extreme poverty will not be ended by charities, businesses or governments working alone. Defeating extreme poverty requires us to change the rules, systems and structures that keep people poor so that the potential of every person can be realised – something that requires the support of all of charities, businesses and governments. We believe that we can change specific policies and practices that contribute to keeping people in extreme poverty when an organised, critical mass of individuals in society aspire to the values of global citizenship, and are organised and equipped to take meaningful action. Repeat this cycle across many issues, and this movement can ensure that governments, businesses and individuals act with greater alignment to the interests of the world’s poor, so that progressively, the systems, structures, policies and processes are changed, ending extreme poverty by 2030 The Global Poverty Project’s specific role in the broad movement to end extreme poverty is to amplify the voices and actions of global citizens who campaign to achieve the greatest impact for the world’s poor. Our policy framework aligns with our charitable objectives and drives all our campaigning and activities towards achieving our strategic aims, our mission and our vision. The Global Poverty Project focuses policy campaigning on six themes (health; education; food, water and sanitation; women and girls; innovation and enterprise; environmental sustainability) and three cross-cutting issues (aid quality; good governance; fair trading systems). Global Poverty Project believes that building powerful cross cutting partnerships is vital to achieving our vision and mission. The main thrust in our expertise is in developing innovative campaigns and initiatives that are culturally compelling to Global Citizens, directly targeting the grass roots demographic most likely to take action that will result in ending extreme poverty by 2030. Our partners work with us to inject the policy impact, political prowess, media presence and financial and other resource investments that makes our work possible.
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