About Connecting Up
Connecting Up Connecting Up Connecting Up, Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation that works to unleash the power of not-for-profits by providing a variety of information, products, resources and programs.
Our services are available in Australia, New Zealand and throughout South East Asia. We also help to develop relationships with business, community and government sectors for the development of the not-for-profit sector.
Technology donations and discounts for not-for-profits
As the local partner of the US-based TechSoup Global network in 40 countries and growing, Connecting Up manages technology donation programs of companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, Symantec, SAP and many more to qualified not-for-profit organisations in Australia, New Zealand (under the TechSoup New Zealand banner) and South East Asia (under the TechSoup Asia banner).
Thousands of organisations have benefited from this program so far.
In Australia, this program has assisted over 14,000 organisations benefit from over $245 million worth of product donations by our generous partners.
In New Zealand, 4,500 organisations have received over $31million,
In South East Asia, almost 1,000 organisations have received over $5 million worth of technology.
Microsoft alone have donated over $228 million worth of product in Australia, $30 million in New Zealand, and over $4.5 million in the newly launched South East Asian market. In 2012, Microsoft donated over $40 million worth of technology, and research found that the social return of investment for these donations was over $100 million.
Directory and Information Resources
Directory of Australian not-for-profit and charity organisations
Our Directory of Australian not-for-profit and charity organisations connects not-for-profits and charities with each other and is a resource for the not-for-profit sector as well as for the public, donors and funders, government and business, and other stakeholders.
Suppliers Directory
Connecting Up's Suppliers Directory is a service that enables not-for-profits to harness the expertise of IT consultants, solution providers and suppliers who support not-for-profit organisations with technology.

This is our community information service for people living in South Australia, connecting them with information and services such as health care, financial assistance, housing, transport, education, sports, child care, as well as recreation programs, clubs, information about all levels of government, and more.
Events for not-for-profit organisations
Connecting Up runs a number of events designed to give not-for-profits practical help to reach their goals. These events include online webinars, workshops, forums and our annual Connecting Up Conference.
We help educate not-for-profits on a range of important technology trends including cloud computing, Microsoft Office 365, mobile apps, digital marketing, social media, and more.
Connecting Up Conference

Connecting Up provides a series of learning and networking sessions for individuals and organisations who are interested in social entrepreneurship, technology, and social innovation.
Learning, News and Research
We provide a wide range of content, a Learning Centre, blog and news about technology focused on not-for-profits and charities, as well as our research reports on sector technology needs.
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