Science and Engineering Workers Science and Engineering Workers The Sloan West Coast Program on Science and Engineering Workers is a network of researchers interested in the science and engineering labor force in the region with a tenth of US workers, a quarter of US science and engineering workers, and many of the leading researchers examining science and engineering work force and education issues. The network hosts seminars on labor and immigration issues affecting science and engineering workers and compiles and distributes information on these issues.
The proposed three-year program would have three major activities:
Organize field visits and in-depth discussions at high-tech firms to examine labor and immigration issues affecting science and engineering workers in field settings.
Hold campus seminars that bring faculty and graduate students together with industry, government, and professional organization leaders to highlight the latest research findings and industry trends in ways that influence labor and migration policies and
Publish an analytic newsletter and develop a web site that summarizes key research findings and developments to improve the basis for policy making.
Science and engineering students and the institutions that educate them, and S & E workers and the industries that employ them, are uniquely important to the US and California economies. The debate over S & E education and worker issues, including the need for international students and workers, is often driven by interest groups that have a narrow focus. California is on the leading edge of these issues, and the proposed program will bring together the leading researchers in the state to clarify and move the debate forward by giving concerted and objective attention to key S & E labor force issues.