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ASIA NEWS NETWORK, ANN ASIA NEWS NETWORK The Asia News Network (ANN) is a network of 21 media groups in Asian cities, organized to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region. » BACKGROUND The networking of newspapers in Asia was first discussed informally by the Asian editors who participated in the first Asian-German Editors' Forum organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Manila. Encouraged by the warm fellowship among them and the success of the forum, the editors decided that a more permanent professional and business relationship be pursued not only among themselves but among their respective publications with the goal of improving the coverage of Asian affairs by Asian media. In March 1999, ANN was born. » OBJECTIVES 1. To enhance and improve news coverage of Asian affairs. 2. To provide member newspapers with reliable access to news sources in Asia. 3. To help promote the professional development of journalism in the region. » OPERATING MECHANISM 1. All members shall be free to publish news stories, analyses, features and photographs from the network members. 2. Each network member will contribute a least five stories everyday from which other members may choose to print in their publications. The contributions may include any kind of story that may be deemed useful to the others, such as politics, regional conflicts, economy, human interest, and sports. Photographs may also be requested from any of the network members. 3. The newspaper that was the source of the story, analysis or photograph shall be given credit in the publication that uses these, along with the network. For example: The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network. Bylines of reporters shall be at the discretion of the editors. 4. Each member shall appoint an editor to the network with whom ANN members can communicate regarding specific requirements. A central coordinator shall be appointed to look after the daily contributions of the network members. The position of central coordinator shall be rotated quarterly. 5. Network members shall help one another whenever they can through sharing of facilities and manpower. In the event of coverage by a reporter of one newspaper to another member's country, the network member in "host" country shall extend support by means of free use of its library system and email and make available contacts known by the "host". On certain occasions, special arrangements may also be made among network members. The network member requesting the coverage shall bear the direct costs incurred in the assignment. 6. A network member may request special reports and background information from any of the other members. A member should try to deliver on a best effort basis but may decline if the request requires extensive work and additional resources. 7. Network members may embark on an exchange program for their journalists, either on a bilateral basis or as a group.
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