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About Latin American and Caribbean Community Center

Latin American and Caribbean Community Center Latin American and Caribbean Community Center Educating and Organizing for Human Rights, Democracy and Racial Justice in the Americas. The mission of the Latin American and Caribbean Community Center is to Educate and Organize for Human Rights, Democracy and Racial Justice in the Americas. The Latin American and Caribbean Community Center (LACCC) was formed in September of 2003 as a community based organization to address the diverse political, economic and cultural needs of the growing Latino and Caribbean populations in the southern region of the United States, with a special emphasis on one of the most marginalized groups within the Latino community – Afro Latinos. Enhancing the capacity of base building organizations that work in the Latino and Caribbean communities is a central focus of LACCC’s work. Toward that, the Latin American and Caribbean Community Center provides an array of trainings to activists and grassroots organizations. Over the last 7 years LACCC trainings and programmatic work has concentrated on the area of anti- oppression, migrant rights as human rights and popular and alternative media–namely community radio.
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