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About Bread for the World

Bread for the World Bread for the World WHO WE ARE Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity at home and far beyond where we live. We can end hunger in our time. But churches and charities can’t do it all. Our government must also do its part. With the stroke of a pen, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. By making our voices heard in Congress, we make our nation’s laws fairer and more compassionate. We leverage big changes for people in our country and around the world who struggle with hunger. WHAT WE DO Bread equips people to write personal letters and emails, meet with their members of Congress, and to work with others to end hunger. Working through churches, campuses, and other organizations, we engage people in organized advocacy. Each year, Bread invites churches across the country to take up an Offering of Letters to Congress on legislation that impacts hungry and poor people. We organize advocacy campaigns to pass or block federal legislation that will help end hunger and poverty. Bread works in a bipartisan way. Our network of thousands of individual members, churches, and denominations is active in every congressional district. We speak the truth to power with a moral and Christian voice and at the right time. And together, we are building the political will to end hunger and poverty. HOW YOU CAN HELP God's grace in Jesus Christ moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or the next continent. Confront the problem of hunger. Speak up. Join us. What can one person do? Plenty. Join Bread for the World and make a difference.
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