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About International Crisis Group

International Crisis Group, icg International Crisis Group The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict. Our Mission and Method Field Work, Analysis, Advocacy Afghanistan Crisis Group decides which situations to cover based on a number of factors. These include: the seriousness of a situation, whether we can add value to international understanding and response, whether we have or can raise the necessary resources to ensure high-quality reporting and effective follow-through, and whether we can safely operate in the field. Policy and Operations Operating in the field Turkey Syria Crisis Group’s analysts are drawn mostly from experienced former diplomats, journalists, academics and NGO staff, often leading world experts in their areas. Of 116 positions on 1 February 2014, 63 were based in the field in 26 locations. Others worked from our Brussels head office and other key regional offices. Security for our field staff is monitored by a security team that meets on an ongoing basis. Determining policy In the initial drafting of reports and briefing papers, field analysts work with our regional program directors. A research and advocacy team in Brussels also provides input, especially on EU and NATO developments, while our Washington and New York advocacy offices assist with U.S. and UN perspectives, supplementing our national and regional advocacy in Beijing, Istanbul, Johannesburg, Nairobi and elsewhere. The policy prescriptions attached to Crisis Group reports are settled with input from field and senior staff, and Board members, as well as consultation with governments, inter-governmental organisations, academics and other think-tanks and NGOs.
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