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About Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa

Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa What is the Partnership The Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa is a non-partisan, non-profit membership organization made up of US and African leaders, technical experts, and practitioners who are committed to improving the level and effectiveness of US public and private investments in sustainable, Africa-led, agriculture-based economic growth in Africa. Jump to: Partnership Values | The Challenge in Africa | Board of Directors | Secretariat Staff | Council of Founders Our Approach The Partnership works to focus, guide, and sustain US public and private sector commitments to demand-driven agricultural investments in Africa. We convene constructive dialogue on important policies and practices, conduct objective research on key topics, and advocate for the adoption of best practices and policy reforms that improve economic growth and livelihoods among the poor in rural and urban Africa. Our Supporters The Partnership’s core operational support and research funding comes from US-based private foundations and membership dues, while event-specific support comes from collaborating public, private, and civil sector partners.
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