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About Africa Missions Resource Center (AMRC)

Africa Missions Resource Center, AMRC Africa Missions Resource Center (AMRC) Africa Missions Resource Center (AMRC) is a web-based storehouse of information and outfitting for Christian Missions to Africa. AMRC does not claim to be be the fullest repository of Africa Missions relevant information it does contain helpful, insightful original documents and links to some of the best research and news sites pertaining to Africa and African Christian Missions. This information is targets Christian missions working in Africa and other philanthropic, development, and emergency response agencies working in on the continent of Africa. I am Richard Chowning, a Church Planting Consultant with Pioneer Bible Translators and serve on PBT's International Resource Team. I own and edit AMRC. AMRC was begun in 1994 while I was a Missionary in Residence at Abilene Christian University (1988-97). I served as a church planting missionary among the Kipsigiis people of Kenya for 16 years (1972-1988), and the Aja people of Benin for nine years (1997-2006). [email protected]
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