About International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
International Centre for Migration Policy Development, ICMPD International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) was founded in 1993, upon the initiative of Austria and Switzerland. The organisation was created to serve as a support mechanism for informal consultations, and to provide expertise and efficient services in the newly emerging landscape of multilateral cooperation on migration and asylum issues.
ICMPD is an international organisation with 15 Member States (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland), 146 staff members, a mission in Brussels and regional offices and representatives throughout Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. We receive funding from our Member States, the European Commission, the UN and other multilateral institutions, as well as bilateral donors. ICMPD holds UN observer status.
Our Purpose
The purpose of ICMPD is to promote innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies and to function as a service exchange mechanism for governments and organisations.
Our Mandate
The Agreement on the Establishment and Functioning of ICMPD mentions as a priority goal of the Member States the development and implementation of long-term strategies to cope with the migration phenomenon. Such strategies aim at facilitating early warning, combating root causes, harmonising entry control measures and coordinating alien, asylum and refugee policies. The objectives of the agreement are to promote international cooperation in the area of migration policies, as well as relevant research in these areas. To this end, ICMPD shall analyse current and potential migratory flows to European receiving countries, follow and examine the situation in the major countries of origin of migrants and develop measures for the improved recognition and control of migratory movements.
The tasks of the organisation are regularly analysed and adjusted by the Steering Group in line with the evolving policy environment and migratory trends. Relevant decisions are reflected in strategy documents approved by the Steering Group and yearly work programmes and budgets.
Where We Work
ICMPD is a European organisation that deals with the global phenomenon of migration. Europe is more than a geographic location – it embraces principles and values that guide ICMPD's work. European migration governance is built upon strong rule of law principles and the effective protection of human and fundamental rights with a long-standing humanitarian tradition. It stands for multilateralism and a partnership approach.
ICMPD's geographic priorities are set in accordance with the strategic and operational objectives of its Member States and partners. Moreover, ICMPD applies the principles of partnership on an equal footing with a forward-looking orientation and a balancing of interests.
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