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About Black Immigration Network (BIN)

Black Immigration Network, BIN Black Immigration Network (BIN) The Black Immigration Network (BIN) is a national network of people and organizations serving black immigrant and African American communities who are focused on supporting fair and just immigration, as well as economic and social policies that benefit these communities and all communities of color in order to create a more just and equitable society. OUR VISION People of African descent unite for racial justice and migrant rights to achieve social, economic and political power. OUR MISSION We are a kinship of organizations and individuals connecting, training and building towards policy and cultural shifts for a racial justice and migrant rights agenda. BIN is a Black-led network which: Reflects the communities it serves by having a leadership body made up of people of African descent Plays an active role in fostering dialogue on policy formation and implementation and ensuring perspectives of African-American and Black immigrants are included. Fosters education and alliance building between communities of African descent. Assists communities in examining critical issues surrounding relations between U.S. born Blacks and Black immigrants & refugees. Creates, promotes, and initiates strategies to address immigration and refugee issues facing communities of African descent. Undertakes documentation and issue periodic reports that focus on the unique experiences of migrant communities of African descent and/or receiving African American communities. Fosters alliance building between communities of African descent and progressive organizations committed to racial equity, gender justice, economic justice and immigrant rights.
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