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About United States Global Partnership (USGP)

United States Global Partnership, USGP United States Global Partnership (USGP) United States Global Partnership (USGP) is an international humanitarian development organization that offers opportunities to better understand world events through people-to-people diplomacy, distinguished speakers, overseas visits, and educational outreach programs. We do this by • Designing foreign exchange programs based on community service, bringing people with different world views together. • Serving as citizen diplomats for public diplomacy efforts by the U.S. government by hosting international visitors and delegations, and promoting professional and cultural exchanges. • Fostering education, awareness and advocacy about cultural diversity and global issues whiles sensitizing Americans to the importance of global citizenship and transforming American attitudes and behaviors to promote cross-cultural understanding and respect. • Mobilizing international support and development aid from the United States to communities in need worldwide. PROGRAMS • Volunteers for Humanity International • US Local Tours • US-Arab/Muslim World Initiative • Intercultural Students Exchange Program • Young Americans and Arabs Business Fellows Internship Program
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