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About BASUG - Diaspora and Development’

BASUG - Diaspora and Development BASUG - Diaspora and Development’ Welcome to the world of ‘BASUG -Diaspora and Development’, a world which is small in size but big in success. BASUG is one of the most active Diaspora organisations in the Netherlands working together with different stakeholders including the Dutch government, EC-JMDI, UNDP, Oxfam Novib, ICCO, Seva Network Foundation, The Network University of Amsterdam (TNU), ENVIU, Wilde Ganzen in the Netherlands and Belgium; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) in Germany and other mainstream development organisations. BASUG, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, emerged out of desire and conviction of a number of professional migrants in the Netherlands coming mainly from Bangladesh, and others here to work on issues relevant to the community and overwhelming urge to contribute to development of Bangladesh. Its immediate motivation was to come forward and assist in devastating floods and other calamities, frequenting the country. It was working since early nineties, but formalized in 2005. Although primarily focused on Bangladesh, Bangladeshi Diaspora in the Netherlands and U.K, it has increasingly, reached out to Bangladeshi Diaspora in other European countries and to Sri Lankan Diaspora in Europe. BASUG thus blended best of both cultures- East and West. This is reflected in its every sphere, in its strategy and management style, to realise the objectives of the organisation. Apart from the Netherlands, BASUG has its Registered Chapters in Bangladesh and Germany. It has also Chapters in the United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium. In addition, it has established partnership with a leading Sri Lankan organization, SEEDS and a number of organisations in Bangladesh including INAFI, ENDEAVOUR, WARBE, CDC and Shakti Foundation. Vision: - a gender balanced society where women can enjoy equal rights with men - where migrants are empowered, visible, heard and counted - where children enjoy a healthy society with all basic needs - where human rights are respected Mission: - Socio-economic emancipation of the marginal poor- mainly the women and the children; - Make women aware of their own dignity and rights both at home and in the society; - Empower women through participatory approach for improving the quality of life in order to achieve an optimal and sustainable development; - Provide education to the poor children and women having no or minimum access to the conventional education system; - Strengthen the Diaspora advocacy movement to bring forward the migrant agenda both nationally and globally Objectives: - Assist marginal poor women and children with no basic education in identifying their problems and work to mitigate their poverty; - Empowerment of women with special focus on gender equality; - Innovation of different modes and mechanism of development and awareness messages on issues including Violence Against Women; - Build strategic partnership and alliances with different stakeholders, development agencies and Diaspora organizations and platforms active in the Netherlands and beyond, on issues such as migration, remittance and development.
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