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About Assyrian American National Federation (AANF)

Assyrian American National Federation, AANF Assyrian American National Federation (AANF) ESTABLISHED 1933 Established in 1933 by the Assyrian community of the United States, the Assyrian American National Federation, Inc. (AANF) is a Federation of Assyrian Associations in the United States. AANF is a 501C-3 Non-Profit Organization. OUR MISSION The Assyrian American National Federation strives to unite the Assyrian Nation by protecting and promoting the progression of Assyrian culture, education, religion and humanitarian rights. ORIGIN AANF had its birth in the fateful year of 1933, inspired by the merciless massacres of the Assyrians in Iraq. On October 19, 1933, the National Emergency Committee called a General Mass Meeting at West New York, New Jersey, where by resolution; the Committee was authorized to call a General Convention of Delegates to be held in Yonkers, New York.
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