About African Teachers Association-USA (ATA)
African Teachers Association-USA, ATA African Teachers Association-USA (ATA) African Teachers’ Association, Inc hereafter referred as Africateachers is a not-for-profit organization ensuring and promoting quality education through supervision, training and empowerment of African teachers. Africateachers is committed to work with school districts, teachers union and all educational stakeholders in order to ensure students achievement irrespective of their backgrounds, race and socioeconomic status.
The organization:
This organization was founded in April 2011 by a group of African educators who recognized the vital role of teachers and the importance of diversity in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry.
1.1 Objectives
Africateachers is established to bring together and unite all African teachers and educators in the United States into relations of mutual assistance and cooperation; to promote the welfare of students by providing better educational opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, sex, and social and political status. Finally, Africateachers seeks to fight all form of bias and discrimination due to race, creed, social, political or economic status or national origin.
1.2 Mission
The mission of African teachers is the pursuit of the following principles:
Commitment: Commitment to advance the standards of professionalism for teaching by promoting better preparation, encouraging relevant in-service training and securing the working conditions essential to the best performance of professional service.
Responsibility: The focus Africateachers is to empower teachers in establishing goals and following through on commitments.
Support: An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system. Africateachers wants to create an environment where African teachers can debrief and share their successes and challenges with fellow colleagues.
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