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About Black Contractors Association

Black Contractors Association Black Contractors Association Welcome to the Black Contractors Association's home on the World Wide Web! BCA's mission is to help to create economic opportunities for African Americans and other members in the construction industry, who would historically, and today would not get market share in the construction industry. This mission also supports recycling local community dollars and works hard at promoting self-help to youth, while training them to be future builders. BCA was established for the purpose of providing a resource for private and public sectors to obtain qualified independent contractors in a wide variety of fields. Together with the supporters of the BCA and it's members, African-Americans and others can anticipate the future being much brighter and wed many more successful endeavors as master builders. Become a supporter of the Black Contractor's Association and have your name or corporation engraved in stone at the point of entry for the apprenticeship students of this facility as a 'CornerStone Contributor". BCA salutes San Diego's major black builders and supporters for their contributions and hard work!
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