About Nigerian Diaspora Alumni Network
Nigerian Diaspora Alumni Network Nigerian Diaspora Alumni Network Purpose of Organization:
Promotion, advancement, and advocacy of economic, political, social and professional interests of Nigerians who having spent at least one (1) year outside the country, have returned to contribute to national development.
All individuals of Nigerian descent, with high integrity, who resided outside Nigeria for minimum of one (1) year, prior location of residence include USA, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and continental Africa. Membership is by invitation only, and all potential members vetted for integrity and professionalism.
The founding location is Abuja FCT, with members drawn from the Thirty Six (36) states of the country. Zonal Chapters in the 6 geo-political zones has also been formed.
Creation of linkages for National Development
Networking in promotion of business and professional interests
Engagement in civic and social development
Promotion of Nigeria global image
Promotion of investment opportunities & job creation.
Goals of the Network (Immediate, Short-term and Mid-term)
Establishment of the Nigeria Diaspora Commission through legislative fiat, presidential assent & funding;
Establishment of the Nigeria Diaspora Funds by International Development Partners (IFC, ADB, DFID, etc), and Nigeria government (CBN, EXIM Bank, BOI, etc) for the purpose of attracting/repatriating Diaspora investment interests, skills and expertise in critical areas of the economy (ICT, Health, Education, Engineering, Manufacturing, Processional services, etc);
Collaborative engagement with Federal & State Government Agencies (MDA’s) on development project and programs;
Participation in, and organization of investment missions (with NIPC, Presidency, etc);
Creation of Electronic Communication and Collaboration platforms (Website, listserv, Facebook/Twitter, etc) geared towards effective networking;
Creation of Nigeria Diaspora Database of experts and diverse human resources who have returned home to engage in Nigeria political and economic development;
Lobby efforts to assure that right people in Nigeria are appointed into political and public-service positions based on merit and past records.
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