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About Fanapi Foundation

Fanapi Foundation Fanapi Foundation Fanapi Foundation is a Hawaii-based entity whose mission is to provide technical assistance that promotes self-reliance among the under-served population from the geographically remote outer islands in Micronesia living abroad and at home. Founded by Vid Raatior of Raatior Ventures and an all-volunteer Advisory Board, the Fanapi Foundation is a sponsored project of the United Charitable Programs (UCP) – a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, tax ID #20-4286082, headquartered near Washington, DC., whose mission is to develop and support charitable programs with a local, national, or global focus. The Fanapi Foundation’s mission and vision is grounded on the core belief that our role is to accompany the local indigenous Fanapi islanders with global resources. They know best what’s good for them. We focus our efforts in the areas identified by the local leaders as the top priorities for their people; namely, educational reform, community development, preventative healthcare, and economic empowerment.
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