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About Shuraako

Shuraako, Somalia diaspora, Somalian diaspora Shuraako Shuraako is a nonprofit implementation project of the One Earth Future Foundation (OEF), operating throughout Somalia. Shuraako, which means “partnership” in Somali, brokers economically beneficial relationships that connect micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) to impact investors to catalyze job creation. This in turn contributes to a more resilient and peaceful Somalia. Shuraako achieves this by identifying and recommending eligible Somali businesses to impact investors and charitable funds, and servicing approved financing. Shuraako seeks to foster a thriving business sector by addressing the financial gap in Somalia and brokering productive partnerships that encourage economic development. The One Earth Future Foundation is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization based in Colorado, USA. OEF, founded in 2007, is an operating foundation with a vision of developing effective, multi-stakeholder systems of governance to achieve a world beyond war – hence its tagline, "Peace through Governance". Statement of Purpose Shuraako believes in the ideal of achieving peace through governance. A responsible private sector creates sustainable business development bringing with it greater civic participation. This creates a reciprocal relationship that feeds a virtuous cycle and ultimately increases prosperity and stability. Through our non-profit initiative, Shuraako catalyzes connections between enterprises and capital that fosters growth leading to peace. Micro, small, and medium size enterprises (MSMEs) are the predominant employer in fragile states, and their greatest obstacle to growth is the lack of the right capital at the right time. While growth opportunities exist in fragile states, they often go ignored due to perceived risks and weak institutions. By identifying and profiling MSMEs, Shuraako unveils unique opportunities for investors to make an impact by growing businesses and creating jobs. Shuraako identifies entities that expressly add value to the local economy; conducting thorough on-the-ground due diligence and establishing strong relationships, the crux of any successful investment. Shuraako judiciously matches capital to Somali entities and manages post-investment execution. In other words, Shuraako provides a critical service to local enterprises demonstrating that stable investments can be made in Somalia and that there is an appreciation for responsible credit that can be scaled in Somalia.
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