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About Australian Tamil Congress

Australian Tamil Congress Australian Tamil Congress 1 - Vision: "Australian Tamil Congress is formed in order to create a congress of our people, for our people and by our people based on the principles of justice and peace amongst ourselves, and to provide for a common voice in promoting our general welfare, prosperity, independence, equality, security and peace". 2 - Mission: "The Australian Tamil Congress encourages the positive participation of Tamils in Australian society, highlights issues of importance to Tamils, upholds core Australian values and engages other communities, governments and organisations in addressing the socio-cultural and political concerns of Tamils. " 3 - Objective: "As part of an international Tamil human rights and political organization dedicated to generating change through ?Collective Global Tamil? action to institute and educate people on Tamils? right to survival and self-determination, and to promote the safety, welfare, economic development of Tamils worldwide; and to teach the lessons of the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka for future generations. "
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