About Serbian Diaspora Network
Serbian Diaspora Network Serbian Diaspora Network The aim of the Institute is to establish a stronger cooperation among Serbian expats and their European friends by:
Promoting cooperation among the Serbian community living in EU countries, EU institutions, and the business community in Serbia;
Connecting young, successful, and ambitious professionals within the Serbian community inhabiting European countries;
Cooperating intensively with the Ministry for Diaspora of the Republic of Serbia.
One of the most active Serbs in the French diaspora Zoran Milinkovic, the European affairs consultant and lobbying professor Zoran Djordjevic and business communications post-graduate and nation-branding practitioner Borka Tomic joined their forces to establish Serbian Institute for Public Diplomacy in August 2005. Its original name was the Institute of Serbia & Montenegro. Following the break of the state union of Serbia & Montenegro, a new name was adopted.
Serbian Institute advances the practice of public diplomacy through research, consultation, publications, and professional services.
Located in the heart of Brussels European quarter, in the vicinity of the European Parliament and other European institutions, Serbian Institute for Public Diplomacy provides press center services, roundtable discussions and briefings, promotional material and serves as an info point, promo center and an analytical service.
Serbian Institute aims to develop Serbian public diplomacy initiatives through its practices and in collaboration with other academic and research institutions. To this end, as a quite recent organization, it is seeking to join its forces with Serbian and foreign government officials, Members of Parliament and their staffs, practitioners in non-governmental organizations, and the media.
Serbian Institute aspires to set the trends in the public dimension of Serbian diplomacy, by learning the lessons from successes and failures in public diplomacy to the benefit of both the international community and the Republic of Serbia itself.
Serbian Institute has no government connection and receives no financial support from any government source. It seeks support from foundation grants and corporate gifts.
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