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About Sierra Leone Youth Diaspora Network (SLYDIN)

Sierra Leone Youth Diaspora Network, SLYDIN, Sierra Leone Diaspora, Sierra Leone Diaspora network Sierra Leone Youth Diaspora Network (SLYDIN) The Sierra Leone Youth Diaspora Network (SLYDIN) was born out of a desire by young people of Sierra Leonean origin living in the UK to make and support other young people of the Sierra Leone Diaspora to make positive contributions to the development of the country. Often, in the course of our young lives as students, artists, entrepreneurs and professionals, we have many opportunities to travel – to gain experience, study abroad credit, broaden our horizons, support causes we passionately believe in and, of course, go on holidays. Apart from the holidays, few young people view Sierra Leone as a viable destination for these things mentioned. There are two possible reasons for this – apathy; and logistical constraints. Having met up and held discussions with numerous young people of Sierra Leonean descent the initiators of SLYDIN would venture that for many the latter, rather than the former is the reason that many of us do not contemplate going to Sierra Leone, opting instead to study abroad in Senegal, do a summer internship in Ghana, or a work placement in Tanzania. SLYDIN would like to offer itself as a conduit via which young people that want to volunteer, intern or study in Sierra Leone are given the opportunity to do so. In the tradition of the Voluntary Service Organisation, Peacecorps or various study abroad programmes, we will aim to provide the logistical support to young people wishing to contribute their skills and knowledge, facilitate placements and all aspects of the undertaking. Taking it forward 1. Get young Sierra Leoneans to join our database – list skills, experiences, what they are looking for 2. Research into how to set up SLYDIN so that it can operate legally – are we a charity? Shall we register in the UK and Sierra Leone? 3. Solicit advice from organisations such as AFFORD, RecruitAfrica and the VSO about our set up and operations 4. Approach the University of Sierra Leone, colleges, NGOs and businesses in Sierra Leone to assess the potential for and their openness to placing SLYDIN members in their operations 5. Solicit and secure funding and approval from relevant sources (relevant Sierra Leone ministries, high commissions, etc) 6. Explore links for e.g. visas, plane tickets, accommodation support in Sierra Leone What next? 1. Form a governing body 2. Preach our message far and wide; start garnering support, especially from influential people 3. Draw up a business plan 4. Try to link up with existing Sierra Leone youth organisations both inside and outside of Sierra Leone (including e-lists such as Hi-5 and Friendster) 5. Hold an open meeting to gather ideas
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