About InterCultural Association for Assistance and Development (ICAAD)
InterCultural Association for Assistance and Development, ICAAD InterCultural Association for Assistance and Development (ICAAD) The InterCultural Association for Assistance and Development, ICAAD, was born to develop tools for including differences within all communities :
encourage co-operation where there was none
encourage a feeling of unity among people from different cultural backgrounds
The Lyra, ICAAD's logo, is the music instrument symbolising creation, peace and respect. With its five ropes, it is also a symbol of the earth with its five continents : the vibration of the voices of this world, altogether.
By giving access to resources and tools for increased productive capacity, communities become their own catalyst for self empowerment, growth and education. They can develop projects and programs based upon their own perceived needs. Valuable local skills and knowledge can be brought together and supported, becoming the very means by which communities are developed with dignity and in a sustainable fashion.
By helping communities to conceive and realise innovative and sustainable projects, ICAAD encourages the development of vital work within local communities, respecting at the same time the richness of diversity inherent to there societies.
The InterCultural Association for Assistance and Development offers a broad approach to it's versatility for supporting the implementation of projects worldwide. Through the use of Information Technology experts in various areas are available to offer assistance both in the field during project visits for monitoring, training and support purposes and also through the medium of virtual inter phase communication for ongoing discussions and advice therefore reducing overheads and utilising local expertise wherever possible. By collaborating in this way the long term objectives of ICAAD's vision of sustainable development can be realised.
Foster attitudes and actions for inclusion where there is exclusion.
Create favourable conditions for cultural and economic development.
Develop programs and projects to reach communities in difficulty.
Provide places to concentrate valuable resources within the communities.
Increase and enhance primary health care, basic education for all and sensitisation skills within the community.
Train and support community workers in various fields of expertise.
Work alongside individuals and communities affected by disease, poverty, etc. to ensure (continued) economic and cultural productivity by facilitating and supporting the:
resourcing of projects and programs based on local capabilities.
encouragement of entrepreneurs, particularly women and young adults.
exchange of knowledge, creative ideas and skills at local, national and international level.
use of networking locally using relevant forms and IT.
That communities become their own catalyst for sustainable growth and (continued) productive development.
That communities nurture existing knowledge, know-how and expertise, as well as creating new skills and capabilities.
That human resources and tools are offered to communities to increase the number of professional skills available.
That communities (continue to) develop with dignity and integrity
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