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About African Diaspora in Latin America - LANIC

African Diaspora in Latin America, LANIC, Latin American Network Information Center, LANIC African Diaspora in Latin America - LANIC The Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) is part of the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) and the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. Since 2011, LANIC has also been a part of the University of Texas Libraries as one of the initiatives that is under the LLILAS Benson Collaboration. LANIC's mission is to facilitate access to Internet-based information to, from, or on Latin America. Our target audience includes people living in Latin America, as well as those around the world who have an interest in this region. While many of our resources are designed to facilitate research and academic endeavors, our site has also become an important gateway to Latin America for primary and secondary school teachers and students, private and public sector professionals, and just about anyone looking for information about this important region. LANIC's editorially reviewed directories contain over 10,000 unique URLs, one of the largest guides for Latin American content on the Internet, and according to research conducted in April 2010, there are over 113,000 inbound links to pages on LANIC from Web Sites around the world. Additionally, LANIC hosts large amounts of content from Latin America: as of April 2010, the Yahoo! search index contained almost 120,000 URLs from the LANIC Web site. Our Gopher server, launched in 1992, was the first such information service for Latin America on the Internet, as was our Web Site, which has been in continuous service since 1994. Since the mid-1990s, LANIC has served as the official registration authority for Latin American Studies at the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Virtual Library, a precursor to Yahoo! as the Web's first large-scale subject catalog.
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