About Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora
AFRICAN DIASPORA STUDIES WEBSITE, Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora The concept of the African Diaspora is much older than its contemporary formulation. If we accept that the birthplace of human beings, based on archaeological evidence is Africa, and from there begun its dispersal around the world, then we can argue logically that the African Diaspora is the first constituted formulation of human migration. There are many other transformations which this project will consider.
The two-volume Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora will be a valuable research tool for a wide cross section of readers:
High school students in all disciplines – geography, history, social sciences, literature, arts.
University students in all fields and disciplines – eg. Africana Studies, Latin American Studies, Women’s Studies, Asian Studies, Native American Studies, politics, history, literature, anthropology and sociology, social and natural sciences, arts international relations, law, cultural studies, and the humanities.
Teachers at all levels from K-12
University faculty and administrators in all disciplines and fields as above mentioned
Museums, cultural and research centers and libraries
Lay readers interested in African Diaspora and international studies
International and regional agencies and organizations.
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