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About Union of International Associations |

Union of International Associations | Union of International Associations | History Throughout the pre-1914 period, Belgium was the main host country of the international movement. The UIA was founded in 1907 under the name Central Office of International Associations by Paul Otlet (considered one of the fathers of information science) and Henri La Fontaine (Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1913) to enhance collaboration between organizations, and to serve as a centre for documentation Purpose and Objectives The UIA serves two main purposes: to maintain and provide comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable information on international associations, their activities and concerns, and their meetings activities; and to support and facilitate the work of international associations through training and networking opportunities Partners and Institutional Status The UIA partners with a number of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, as well as other entities that help further its aims Structure and Statutes The main structure of the UIA comprises a General Assembly of Active Members, an Executive Council, a Bureau, and the Secretariat
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