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About Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Europe

Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Europe Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Europe About Nido Europe Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Europe (NIDOE) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-tribal organization whose membership is drawn from Nigerians living in Europe, estimated at about over five million. NIDOE was officially launched in London on 26 October 2002. The idea for the organization was conceived following an official visit by the then President of Nigeria, HE Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to the United Kingdom in September 2000. The President met a gathering of Nigerians from all over Europe and proposed the idea that Nigerians living in the Diaspora should come together to support national development. He had earlier proposed a similar idea in Atlanta, Georgia, USA to Nigerians living in the Americas. President Obasanjo’s vision of NIDOE was for an organization through which the government and Nigerians in the Diaspora can interact on how best Nigeria can be assisted in the task of nation building; an organization that would be mutually beneficial to Nigeria and Nigerians in the Diaspora. A committee was inaugurated early 2001 to follow up on the idea which eventually led to the incorporation of Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Europe as a non-governmental organization in June 2002. The Structures NIDOE has its headquarters in the Nigerian High Commission in London and governed by a board of trustees that is responsible for maintaining contact and galvanising all the chapters and maintaining contact with the Nigerian Government, Nigerian organizations and NIDO Americas and Asia. Board of Trustees, is elected every two years by the general members at a General Meeting. Trustees are accomplished Nigerians who are fit and proper persons and have acquired experience in their respective fields. The Board reflects a variety of backgrounds, competence and perspectives, and aims to be representative of the spread of Nigerians in Europe. No Trustee is entitled to any remuneration from NIDOE in connection with his/her office as a Trustee or otherwise. NIDOE Currently has membership across 19 chapters countries in Europe, each chapter is governed by the Chapter executives headed by the Chapter chairperson.
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