European Association for American Studies European Association for American Studies The European Association for American Studies is a confederation of national and joint national associations of American Studies in Europe. It was founded at Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg, in 1954. EAAS is a registered association (VR 2037, Amtsgericht Stendal, 30 Sept. 2009). Each of the 22 member associations from 35 countries is represented on the EAAS Board which convenes once every year.
The number of Americanists represented through the national associations has arrived at 4301 (1 Jan. 2010). The conditions of membership are set out in the Articles. During the more than fifty years of its existence the EAAS has succeeded remarkably well in making European Americanists aware of each other. However, after the rapid expansion of its membership during the last few years, its main task will be the integration of the new national organizations and their members into existing (or yet to be constructed) networks of scholarly dialogue and academic exchange.
The objects and aims of the Association are to encourage the study of and research in all areas of American culture and society and to promote cooperation and intercommunication between European scholars of the United States from all parts of Europe and from various disciplines. To this end it organizes regular conferences. It also publishes a newsletter, American Studies in Europe, and an electronic journal, The European Journal of American Studies (EJAS). EAAS conferences are held every two years, and usually concentrate on a theme or a period. The pattern of these conferences as it developed over the years now includes 3 plenary and 12 parallel lectures (or dialogue sessions), and workshops focussing on specific subjects or areas of study. Attendance to these conferences has risen from about 170 in 1978 to a current average of between 200 to 400 participants.