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About Ambassade du Benin au Danemark

Ambassade du Benin au Danemark Ambassade du Benin au Danemark Welcome-Bienvenue-Velkommen Since June 18th 2009, the address of the embassy has changed to: Skelvej 2, DK-2900 Hellerup.Telephone and Fax numbers remain the sames Reception following the presentation of her letter of credence to H.M. The Queen Marghrethe II of Denmark Throughout the world , Benin is recognized as a peaceful nation. It is known for its political stability and its economic governance system. Furthermore, since April 6th 2006 a new positive factor has emerged: that is the election of His Excellency Dr Boni YAYI as a new Head of State. The Government of President Boni YAYI opted for a governance change; that change implies the consolidation of democratic gains and the creation of a shared prosperity. In the process of implementing that option, the diplomatic map of Benin has been revisited leading to the appointment of the First Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Benin to Denmark with jurisdiction over the other scandinavian countries, the baltic countries and the Republic of Iceland. In this web site, we put at your disposal all useful and necessary information for Benin awareness, for the need of users as well as for the implementation of the strategic options of Benin´s government.
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