About Zimbabwean Community in Pittsburgh
Zimbabwean Community in Pittsburgh Zimbabwean Community in Pittsburgh There is a very small community of Zimbabweans in Pittsburgh. Although we do not have a formalized and established organization, there are small pockets of Zimbabwean people (families) who hang together. Zimbabweans meet as cluster families. While there are no regular get-togethers for social events like graduations, weddings, etc. however, individual Zimbabweans are well integrated with other Africans, church congregants, and educational and community organizations. The Zimbabwean community is in its formative stage and works very closely with churches and organizations implementing in-country projects in Zimbabwe. Some of the Zimbabweans are very active as invited guest speakers in schools, churches and community settings. Most Zimbabweans come as students, scholars and business people, although we also have a few Zimbabwean refugees. We have a very small population of Zimbabweans numbering approximately less than 100. Zimbabweans are generally good citizens and good neighbors. They are honest, humble, respectful, hardworking, selfless, and resilient, etc. Most of them are very active in the communities they live in. Some Zimbabweans engage in advocacy work. Most of them are here in Pittsburgh because of employment or school and have very strong ties with their families in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean community is a member of the Union of African Communities in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.
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