About World African Diaspora Union (WADU)
World African Diaspora Union, WADU World African Diaspora Union (WADU) VISION: The Unification and Restoration of African People. MISSION: The Liberation, Unification and Empowerment of African People, with One Central Government in Africa. THE WADU MANIFESTO: The World African Diaspora Union (WADU) having been created for the unification and solidifying the various associations, groups and individuals of the Black Diaspora and having accepted the Pan African Africancentric philosophy as the means of establishing a new global order of justice and equality for all by African empowerment for the accomplishment of the African Renaissance; Resolved: 1. To work towards the unification of Africa with one central Government under an African Union continental government body; 2. To work towards the official acceptance of the Diaspora as the 6th Region of the United Africa; 3. To oppose and eradicate racism, imperialism and neo-colonialism and its vestiges in all forms, everywhere; 4. To dedicate itself to the promulgation and recognition of the full dignity and equality of women in all aspects of life, globally; 5. To recognize and emulate the philosophy and teachings of our history, culture and the sciences and to perpetuate it in the education of our children; 6. To promote economic sustainable development of businesses, trade and commerce amongst African people and the world; 7. To promote humanitarian support, peace, reconciliation and security for the African people and its most vulnerable, our children; 8. To acknowledge and support the Abuja Declaration to support its mandate in pursuance of the claim to Reparations; 9. To accept the findings of the Durban Conference on Racism, Xenophobia and other related matters and to pursue the plan of action arising thereof; 10. To assist and cooperate with all individuals, groups and associations which adopt these tenants and principles.
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