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WEZIMBABWE WEZIMBABWE THE WEZIMBABWE MISSION: WEZIMBABWE is an organisation dedicated to the empowerment of Zimbabweans through the development of a strong and united global Zimbabwean community and to the provision of access to formal education and non-formal life skills training for children and young people throughout Zimbabwe. We believe that: The responsibility for the creation and maintenance of a united, prosperous and sustainable Zimbabwe lies with Zimbabweans regardless of their race, gender, religion or physical location. Every Zimbabwean child has a right to receive the minimum level of education that is required to be employable and to perform the day-to-day functions required for a comfortable and meaningful existence. All Zimbabweans should be aware of and have their basic human rights, as defined by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, protected. We further maintain that it is the responsibility of every Zimbabwean to protect the rights of his or her countrymen or women from both internal and external threat. That the resources required for our programmes should be sourced principally from the global Zimbabwean community and that constructive engagement and collective effort is fundamental to the success of our work. Our national consciousness requires that we are defined and define ourselves as Zimbabweans first and our race or tribe later. We further believe that within this context we should embrace and respect the things that bring us together as well as those that make us different from each other. Ee will achieve our mission by: Setting up a scholarship fund that will provide funding for students whose families cannot afford to pay for the level of education the student has demonstrated a talent for. Distributing educational material in line with our stated goal of providing empowerment and awareness of individual and collective rights. The formation of a global network of Zimbabweans to facilitate the strengthening of our community and to provide opportunities for all Zimbabweans to participate in the development of our country. Hosting of events to support our community development objectives and to raise funds from our community to support our Education and Day Centre projects.
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager