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About Western Australia Multicultural Association

Western Australia Multicultural Association Western Australia Multicultural Association Western Australia Multicultural Association is a community project open to all members of the community including: schools, groups and individuals of all ages and backgrounds. No auditions will be required. An experienced musician will conduct the choir and run a series of rehearsals commencing 24 January 2014 Rehearsals will be held weekly on Thursday or Friday evening. Venue: Notre Dame Church ? Parish Centre Cnr Wright and Daly Street, Cloverdale The Choir will perform at the opening of the Migrant Pavilion and Multicultural Fest event scheduled for the 23 March 2014. Register your interest by completing a registration form. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] by the 10 January 2014 If you have any questions or do not have access to a computer please contact Maria on 0408 017 649 or Franco on 9444 6944 A WAMA Multicultural Choir form will be emailed or posted to you
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