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About Washington DC Estonian Folkdancers Pillerkaar

Washington DC Estonian Folkdancers Pillerkaar Washington DC Estonian Folkdancers Pillerkaar NATO Festival 2012 Norfolk, VA Pillerkaar has more than 30 years of experience performing Estonian folk dances at both U.S. and international venues with hundreds of performances. The group has choreographed riveting programs and, most importantly, passed on many nuggets of Estonian culture and tradition. Pillerkaar is a folk dance ensemble initiated by Anu Oinas in 1971 comprised of Estonians, people of Estonian descent, people who are married to Estonians, and friends of Estonians. While we dance to preserve the Estonian folk dancing tradition here in North America where we live, we get together each week because dancing is fun and good for the soul! Folk dance was originally created by villagers who passed the dancing tradition to future generations. Dancing transcends age, language, culture and is a celebration of the human spirit! From the pictures here, one can see that we always dance in national dress to preserve our culture, tradition, and heritage.
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