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About Venture Capital for Africa

Venture Capital for Africa Venture Capital for Africa Venture Capital for Africa ( is the continent?s leading founder?s network, the largest and fastest growing community of entrepreneurs and investors building promising companies in Africa. Our focus is connecting people and ideas on a peer-to-peer level: we are the only open and accessible platform dedicated to the subject and our network of entrepreneurs and investors extends to more than 159 countries around the world. The community currently supports more than 1000 + ventures in more than 30 African countries. Already entrepreneurs have been featured in mainstream media, established joint ventures and secured funding. VC4Africa makes use of open source technology and the community is free to join. The system and tools are designed to leverage the power of the crowd, tapping the combined knowledge and resources that exist across the member base. To this extent, the approach taken by VC4Africa breaks from the centralized model and champions a more self-empowered distributed peer-to-peer approach. The VC4Africa network is open in nature and fosters a supportive learning environment that is conducive to healthy networking. To ensure quality, VC4Africa screens member, investor and venture applications before they are approved or given access to the site. All members agree to abide by our terms of service. Users can create a profile, build a network, join groups, ask questions, read news, share opinion and sign up for events. Entrepreneurs can publish business ideas, build a fan base, source feedback and meet experts. As needed, entrepreneurs can source dedicated mentorship support or open a round of funding. Investors, registered as part of the investor network, can access screened ventures and review the ventures that match their investment criteria. Dedicated members of the community can also join the VC4Africa Officer?s program and support the community?s development on a volunteer basis. Members don?t only meet online, but also initiate offline-networking events called VC4Africa meetups. These meetings have been hosted in 35 cities around the world. Vision: We believe entrepreneurship is a key driver for the continent?s continued development. Entrepreneurship should be the main driver in Africa?s economic growth, in particular the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that provide much of Africa?s employment, income and hope for a better future. SMEs contribute around two thirds of national income and provide the foundation for a stable middle class in many African countries. They help form strong communities and are a powerful force for poverty reduction. SMEs play a significant role in building economic stability and sustainability for the future.
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