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About United Bassa (Liberia) Organization in the Americas

United Bassa (Liberia) Organization in the Americas United Bassa (Liberia) Organization in the Americas Our vision is to make our counties through our committed initiatives of education and better healthcare and a better place for our people. Not just them, but all Liberians who reside in the Bassa counties. As a group, we must acknowledge the dynamics of our power and privileges afforded us in America to advocate conducive learning environment for the younger generation of our counties and country as a whole. Help from the outside can improve privileges that have been taken away or denied because of the deteriorated conditions brought on by civil conflicts. We are the "outside" and we cannot be a neutral party in the process of bringing release to our people. The challenges ahead are enormous and real, to confront and overcome some, UNIBOA maintains an abiding commitment to work hard in raising funds and to work with donor groups to make our vision brighter in building a safe environment and an inclusive communities for our people.
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