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About Toronto Latvian Society Saturday School (TLBSS)

Toronto Latvian Society Saturday School, TLBSS Toronto Latvian Society Saturday School (TLBSS) The Toronto Latvian Society Saturday School was founded in 1950 and runs from September to the end of May from 8:50 - 13:30 on Saturdays. It currently is located on the Latvian Centre premises. We accept children from 3 to 14 years of age. Students learn the Latvian language, history and geography, as well as singing and folk dancing. We now also offer lessons for those children with little or no Latvian and lessons for playing the kokle. Each school year children will spend up to 29 Saturdays in school. The 7th and 8th grade pupils take part in the Remembrance Service for Fallen Soldiers at Camp Saulaine. The Latvian national Independence day is celebrated within the school. In December, the school has it?s Christmas party, with children's performances and Santa's participation. Each year, the TLB Saturday School 6th graders put on a play. In May the TLS Saturday School has a ?family day? event in conjunction with the closing BBQ. At this event we issue the school?s magazine ?Ausekl?tis". In May, the school also has its graduation ceremony.
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