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About Tappita District Development Association

Tappita District Development Association Tappita District Development Association In November of 2001, sons and daughters of Tappita District in the United States of America gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota to consider what they can do to help their native land and improve the standard of living of their kinship they left back home. In that conference, it was decided that an organization be formed to coordinate the efforts of the members in the Diaspora to renovate and/or rebuild destroyed infrastructures in Tappita District. Since then, we have traversed the continental US and met annually in order to reach every Tappita District citizen in the country with the message of self-help and self-sustainable development. We have successfully completed several projects in Tappita District, including renovation of Tappeh Memorial High School, the only public high school in Lower Nimba County; the Voice of Tappita Community Radio Station, winner of the 2007 Community Radio Station award; two junior high schools; four elementary schools; and three clinics. In collaboration with the Government of Liberia, we completed the Immigration Office in Tappita. Despite our progress list, there is still a very long way to go in meeting the enormous needs that exist in Tappita District. We are working to expand the scholarship program established after our 2011 annual convention and the completion of our headquarters building remains a tough task. Located in Tappita City on one acre of land donated by Tappita City Council, the facility will serve as an educational resource and recreation center for youth from all over the district who go to Tappita City for school. As part of our unending development agenda, TADDA will routinely partner with smaller development associations operating within Tappita District to provide more practical help to all our citizens, particularly the youth.
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