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About Swiss Club of Western Australia

Swiss Club of Western Australia Swiss Club of Western Australia The Swiss Club of WA has been operating from Perth Western Australia for over 30 years. It does not have a Club House of its own, but utilises facilities belonging to a number of other, like-minded clubs and Swiss businesses. The Swiss Club offers a wide range of activities for members, designed to suit all ages and interests. The Objectives of the Club are: To promote and uphold Swiss culture, tradition and languages. To maintain good fellowship. To further helpfulness amongst its members and to assist newly-arrived and/or destitute Swiss. To support international and multicultural activities and charities between the Swiss and other communities in Australia. Many Swiss in Western Australia have non-Swiss partners, and are reluctant to join our Club because they think that their partner will feel left out. Let us reassure you that non-Swiss people are warmly welcomed in our Club.
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