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About Somali Progressive Association

Somali Progressive Association Somali Progressive Association SPA is a well-established organisation that engages with key policy and decision makers at both local and national levels, in order to influence the making of policy that positively impact on the Somali Community. It aims to encourage volunteering in the community and promote volunteering culture. SPA's mission is to improve the social/cultural and economic status of the Somali population in the County and City of Cardiff.It also works towards the elimination of discrimination and promotes equality of opportunity and good relations between persons different racial groups generally and particularly between those who are of Somali origin and all other inhabitants. Activities: The area of Services that SPA provide include the following: housing, social services, education, economic development and equal opportunities. The SPA provides a valuable link for the Somali Community into training and employment opportunities in partnership with the Council and other service providers. Specifically it supports the Councils principles of "Creating jobs for people and people for jobs".
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