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About Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County (SBCA)

Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County, SBCA Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County (SBCA) 1 - Background - The Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County Inc. (SBCA), is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting Somali Bantus adjust to life in the United States of America and preserve their rich cultural heritage. The SBCA provides advocacy services for students and parents, academic/leadership services, and services improving the relations in the Somali Bantu community by addressing the academic and cultural gap facing Somali Bantu children, youth and their families. The Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County Inc. was established to promote Bantu cultural programs intended to inform about Bantu life in the United States and to promote programs directed to assisting and aiding the Bantu community in and around Onondaga County, New York in attaining the necessary skills, language competency and resources to overcome poverty and become functioning members of society. 2 - Mission: The mission of the Somali Bantu Community Association of Onondaga County Inc. (SBCA) is to aid in the resettlement of refugee and immigrant groups by providing assistance, training, advocating, empowering refugee families and creating opportunities that promote self-sufficiency. 3 - The vision of Somali Bantu Community Association Services is to integrate the Somali Bantu community fully into American life, with harmony and peace, while maintaining Somali Bantu culture and values.Through education and mutual cooperation, the SBCA continues to achieve this goal.
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