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About SEADiaspora

SEADiaspora SEADiaspora SEADiaspora is an online publication/blog on African Affairs. We share diverse African perspectives, from the continent and the diaspora on Business and Development, Politics and Policy, Arts and Culture. Our belief is that smart economics is what will foster the kind of development Africa needs in order to meet the challenges the continent currently faces. is concerned with analyzing the events and developments unfolding on the continent. And we are especially interested in providing intelligent responses to how African economies can overcome their socio-political obstacles to create new and innovative socio-economic infrastructures built on strong, lasting, and transparent institutions to foster development that can set Africans on the right path out of poverty. The issues responsible for the economic failures of African countries are diverse and interconnected. serves as a platform where opinions on these issues can be intellectually engaged and brought under new light, spurring discussions within a broader context and in a broader community of Africanists on the continent and in the Diaspora. is where ideas, people, and issues meet; it is also where innovative solutions to Africa?s economic challenges?fundamentally crucial to development?will be pursued through the collective power of its individual members and contributing writers. For this reason, we welcome all those who share our objective!
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Diaspora Social Network, african diaspora, diasporaengager